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Auto maintenance


Car repairs can be expensive, so being prepared for them helps in making decisions to ensure a vehicle's longevity and safety.

Basic car repair and maintenance tips

Remember that all cars need regular checkups and keeping a consistent maintenance schedule can help keep it running at its best.

maintaining a car
Cabin filter vs. air filter: What’s the difference?

Car air filters such as the engine air filter and cabin filter play a role in clearing the air in your vehicle. Read on to find out more about the differences.

maintaining a car
What does eco mean in a car?

Eco mode for a car helps improve its fuel efficiency but also has a few other benefits as well. Read on to know what they are along with when to use eco mode.

maintaining a car
How to change the battery in a key fob

If you have lost or would like to replace your car key fob, learn more about the steps you can take and the potential costs associated.

More about car maintenance

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