Featured calculators and resources
Help make smart mortgage decisions and feel informed with any of our tools and resources below.

Home value estimator
You can see the estimated value of your current home or one you want to buy, plus see how improvements may affect a home's value.
Mortgage calculator
Get a detailed breakdown of monthly home loan costs for any size loan, including jumbo, refinances and cash-out loans, too.
Affordability calculator
How much home can you afford? Enter your information to help determine your homebuying budget.
Even more help
Our easy-to-use mortgage calculators can help show estimated costs and savings for buying or refinancing a home.
Mortgage points calculator

Buying mortgage points could lower your monthly payment.
Extra payments calculator

Extra payments could save you money or shorten your loan. This tool also shows you a detailed amortization table.
View quick videos on key concepts
Learn more about common mortgage concepts you may encounter in your home lending journey.
Mortgage principal vs. interest payments
Find out the difference between principal and interest payments and how they are paid over the course of your loan.
Debt-to-income ratio
This is a key number for determining what you can afford. See how to calculate it.
What is PMI?
You might have to pay for private mortgage insurance if you put less than 20% as a down payment. Here are the details.
Be prepared with these essential resources
View and print our helpful guides and checklists.
Explore popular articles
How to prequalify for a mortgage

While many people find the home they want and then look for a mortgage, it's a good idea to look at your mortgage options first. It's important to know how much you'll be able to borrow before you find a house.
What percentage of your income should go toward the mortgage loan?

Your salary is a major factor in determining how much house you can afford. This guide will help you determine how much of your income you should put toward your mortgage payments every month.
How to refinance your home

People decide to refinance for many reasons, including lower interest rates, debt consolidation, home improvements, decreasing monthly housing costs and more. Here’s what you need to know to start refinancing.
10 common questions about refinancing

Refinancing your mortgage is a big step. By working with a trusted lender, knowing what to expect and having the documentation you need ahead of time, the process will go smoothly.