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Course: Getting strategic with cash flow

Part 2


8 minute read

Why segment your customers?

Customers drive revenue. But a one-size-fits-all approach may alienate some of them.

When you segment your customers by needs and behaviors, your marketing and communication become more inclusive and possibly more effective. Plus, it can help you expand your customer base.

With customer segmenting, you can:

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Tailor your business’s communications for better results

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Tailor your business’s communications for better results

Holiday Town analyzes customers in its database to send them specialized coupons for events that matter to their demographic.

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Reward loyal customers to keep them coming back to your business

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Reward loyal customers to keep them coming back to your business

Holiday Town sends recurring customers promotions on items they have previously purchased and coupons before their birthday.

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Identify new potential customers who share similar preferences and spending habits

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Identify new potential customers who share similar preferences and spending habits

Holiday Town used a Facebook campaign to target people with interests similar to those of existing customers.