Chase Point of Sale (POS)℠ Terminal support
Questions? We have answers. We're here to help you get the most out of your terminal.
Order your new terminal
To order a new terminal, please visit or order through the Chase Mobile app.
For refunds or replacements of your terminal, please contact our support team at 888-659-4961.
Terminal activation
The Chase POS Terminal should remember your previous network selections, so once you set up the wireless networking settings you shouldn't need to again. If your network settings have changed, or you have changed locations, then you'll need to access the networking configuration settings.
Do this by:
Step 1:
Select “Settings”

Step 2:
Select “Network”

Step 3:
Select "Wi-Fi"

Step 4:
Select your desired network

Step 5:
Provide your network credentials
The Chase Point of Sale Terminal will walk the user through activation during the first login session by the primary account holder.
- Connect the terminal to your WiFi network. See Setting up the terminal to connect to your wireless network.
- Log on to the terminal and complete the muliti-factor authentication with your account.
- Remember: You will need to first login to
- Complete the terminal activation steps
- Complete the account setup wizard
- This is suggested for your first terminal, if you have completed these steps previously your current settings will automatically be applied to your new terminal.
Log on to

Terminal activation steps
Step 1:
Select your account

Step 2:
Select your time zone

Step 3:
Set a name for your device

Step 4:
Confirm your selections

Account setup wizard
Step 1:
Option to skip the wizard, you can always setup your settings by going to the Settings menu option. Default values will be selected if you don’t specify.

Step 2:
Default tip amounts of 15%, 18%, and 20% will be setup.

Step 3:
Set your default sales tax rate.

Step 4:
Your updated settings have been saved. The terminal may require more time to complete setup for taking payments.

Check with your local Wi-Fi administrator to verify the Wi-Fi name and password.
After completing the activation steps, it can take a short time for the terminal to complete its activation process. It is recommended that you run a small test transaction. This will ensure everything is setup and ready for your customers.
If you experience any trouble processing this first transaction, please reach out to our support team for further assistance.
Adjust merchant settings
You can configure merchant receipts to be printed and/or emailed for each transaction. These will be automatically sent to you.

This removes the presentation of the tip request from the transaction.
On screen

This provides custom or preset tip options during the transaction.
On receipt

This enables tips on the printed receipt, including the option to present tip suggestions.
NOTE: Choosing this option will force a printed receipt during a transaction. It'll also delay transaction completion for up-to 24 hours to permit Tip Adjustment. Transactions will auto-complete immediately on “Add tip” entry.
Yes. We enable setting up multiple tax rates to allow flexibility for those merchants crossing tax boundaries or offering products or services from different tax categories.
You can select the default tax rate that will automatically be applied to each sale. The selected tax rate can be always be adjusted during the course of each sale.
Yes. You can configure multiple preset discounts options to be available during a sales transaction.
Yes. This allows a user to optionally enable or require a 40- character, alpha-numeric, text field allowing merchants to capture additional information along with the transaction. Can be used to track specific events, reconcile invoices, or just capture additional sale details.
You can manage your reference code configuration directly within the Chase POS Terminal. Here are the steps:
- Sign in to the terminal.
- Tap the navigation icon in the upper left corner of the screen.
- Tap Settings to display the Setting screen.
- Tap Reference codes to display the Reference codes screen.
- On the Reference codes screen, you can indicate if a reference code is Optional or Required, or isn't permitted.
Customize receipts
You have receipts printed after each sale as a merchant receipt, or sent to a designated email address. The email address can be the one supplied as part of your merchant account or one of your choosing. You can select merchant receipts to be both printed and emailed as desired.
NOTE: If you select the “tip-on-receipt” option in tip settings, a merchant receipt will always be printed.
Merchant receipts are currently available to be printed (default) or to be emailed to the merchant account owner. The merchant details displayed on the receipt, including the merchant name and address are pulled from the merchant account details. Terminal printed receipts will also allow including an additional business name just for receipts and a setting to include or suppress the merchant's business street address.
Tip settings
Yes. Here’s how.
Step 1

Using the navigation menu, choose the Settings menu option. This will load the merchant settings menu.
Step 2

Choose Tips menu option (to disable tip requests from being presented to the customer, choose Off).
Step 3

Choose how you would like to present the tip request.
NOTE: Customers have 24 hours to adjust or add to their tip amounts before they are auto captured.
- Choosing this option the tip prompt will occur during the original sales process.
- Here you have the option to allow for custom tip entry and up-to three preset tip amounts, presented as either percentage or dollar amounts.
- For percentage based preset tip amounts, there is the option to display the calculated values.

Most often used in sit-down restaurant settings, this presents the tip as a written amount on the payment receipt. Tip suggestions can be enabled and up to three options can be provided.
- This option will force a merchant receipt to be printed, and thus requires paper in the receipt printer.
- You have 24-hours to add the tip amount to the payment transaction before it auto-settles with a $0 tip amount.
- Transactions still pending settlement will be shown as "Pending tip" in Sales activity.