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Course: Getting strategic with cash flow

Part 2


12 minute read

Add revenue streams

Here are some ways to increase your business's revenue.

This can lower the barrier of entry for products and services and also allow customers to build the recurring cost into their budgets.

Gift cards are a cost-effective way to increase revenue. They allow your recurring customers to support your business while potentially introducing new customers.

Consider promoting other ways customers can use your product. For example, Apple recently ran an ad campaign for its new iPhone centered not on its durability or design, but rather on its state-of-the-art camera.

Take note of customer requests to determine which new services you might consider adding.

Though it expends more of your time and resources, offering new products lets your customers know you're adapting to their changing needs.

If your business isn't using all of its current space, consider subletting the extra space for a little extra income if your lease allows it.

Help more customers access your products or services by offering online sales options.

Incentivize your customers or industry partners to spread the good word about your business through a referral program.