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This page is where we connect business owners like you with the information and resources you need about sharing your payments processing data to QuickBooks Online. If you’re ready to get started setting up your integration, click here.

Accounting Integration FAQ

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Chase automatically imports your card payments into the QuickBooks Online bookkeeping accounts of your choice on a daily basis. If you’re ready to get started setting up your integration, click here.

The share will add a default "Chase Customer" type to your available customers on QuickBooks. Please keep this customer active to ensure your sync runs smoothly.


The share will only sync your payment processing to your QuickBooks account if you are a primary/company admin. If you change the access level of your QuickBooks account, you may face connection issues.

Chase automatically imports your card payments into the QuickBooks Online bookkeeping accounts of your choice on a daily basis.


To get a better understanding of your Chase payments and fees, we suggest creating separate bookkeeping accounts for each data set (e.g., card sales --> income).


The guide below is a suggestion on how to set up your connection with QuickBooks.


QuickBooks Account Mapping Table
Chase Account QuickBooks Account
Card Sales Card sales are usually associated with income. Match your card sales to one of your QuickBooks income accounts
Refunds Refunds are usually associated with income. Match your refunds to one of your QuickBooks income accounts
Chargebacks Chargebacks are usually associated with income. Match your chargebacks to one of your QuickBooks income accounts
Fees Fees are usually associated with expenses. Match your fees to one of your QuickBooks expense accounts
Settlement Deposits Settlement deposits are usually associated with banking. Match your card sales to one of your QuickBooks banking accounts

Chase supports all available QuickBooks Online plans. QuickBooks Desktop is not supported at this time.

As a Chase for Business Online customer, you get access to the QuickBooks share for free. 

Your business' payment processing data which includes card sales, refunds, fees, chargebacks, and settlement deposits. During the set-up process you will be asked to authorize the sharing of your data between Chase and QuickBooks.

Chase will automatically share your processing data with QuickBooks at the end of each day. 

No, you can pause or disconnect the share at any time. You can also manually update any receipts created by this share in QuickBooks.

If your question is not answered on our FAQ page, please contact our support team at (888) 989-7437.

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For questions about sharing your processing data, contact our customer support team at (888) 989-7437.


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