Pre-Qualification Chase Homebuyer AdvantageSM
Benefits See how much you can borrow

Affordability indicator
Quick response
Strengthens purchase power
Get a head start on mortgage approval process

Shop with confidence
Reliable conditional approval for agent
Obtain credit approvals
Obtain income & asset approvals
More powerful negotiation tool
Underwriter review
Quickest closing
When to consider Thinking about buying Actively searching for property
Need or already using a real estate agent
What you provide Basic information on income and assets
Authorization to pull credit
(Social Security number required)
Completed mortgage application
Authorization to pull credit
(Social Security number required)
What you receive Shows estimate of your maximum loan amount* Provides conditional approval of loan amount
Complete underwriter review available on request.
Conditional approval letter
Estimated rate and loan amount
Application Fee N/a Processed when contract submitted
Expiration Period 90 days 90 days - Extension can be requested
Next Steps in Approval Complete the mortgage application
Submit income & asset documents
Underwriter review
Submit property information Purchase contract
Appraisal & title
Submit property information
Purchase contract
Appraisal & title

*Note: The mortgage prequalification statement is not a loan agreement. It's simply an estimate of how much you can borrow based on the information you provided.